is it my computer or the net?

Anyone else having trouble with google, coming up with different face to usual and unable to display webpages with images, or Japanese on them? Grrrr. whitmanschild, leafstan_28, nottatumor, m0lybdenum: anyone have a map or remember how to get to the immigration office in Wakayama? I am right in thinking that’s the out-of-the-way place we all had to go to to get re-entry permits, aren’t I?

whitmanschildApril 13, 2005 - 6:19 am

All of Yahoo and Google are having problems. Probably a hacker attack.

Yes, I remember how to get there, but it might be hard for me to explain. The good news is you can take a train out of Wak-shi station (toward Wak-ko, I believe) to get within a five or six minute walk of the place. Lemme look at a map here in a bit, and I can tell you more, I think.

whitmanschildApril 13, 2005 - 6:19 am

Blast! Map I have is lost in my Yahoo email which is frozen by the hack attack!

gypsyamberApril 13, 2005 - 6:47 am

oh goody. go the hack attacks. not. Ah well, so long as I know I can get my hands on a map by next Wednesday, tis all good.

gypsyamberApril 13, 2005 - 6:47 am

oh, so if I send you an email like I was about to…you won’t be able to get at it. grrr. *pout*

m0lybdenumApril 13, 2005 - 7:18 am
the immigration office is listed on there under “public offices” then you can zoom in on it. I went by bus last time and I don’t remember the stop, but if you are going by bike then that map might suffice.

leafsfan_28April 13, 2005 - 7:58 am

Our school was hit yesterday. My last entry highlights that fact. This morning the computers were fine. THis afternoon, well I wasn’t using the computer. Hope you luck out with the re-entry thing.


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