and….crash. Hhmmmph, what happened?

So now I seem to go between having so much energy coiled, ready to spring out of my body that it is hard not to hit the dance floor and go wild for a few hours, or more mundanely it is difficult for me to keep the walking machine to a walk. I don’t even *like* running and this morning I wanted so much to push the speed up til I was running flat out, just to express all the energy inside. Swimming is the only thing I can do where I can use my whole body and don’t have to hold back, but even then I stop the minute I get non-muscle-buliding twinges.

Then I’ll just completely go the opposite. This afternoon I am struggling, really struggling to stay awake. I kipped on the couch for an hour and it is only sheer stubborness – I *WILL* get something done today, dammit – which has me up now. When I say up, I think I am running on a maybe two brain cells while the rest resemble cotton wool.

Now. Business cards. I have the business card sheets (thank you zen_cat!) and a mac, and a PC if I really must. I thought Pages would have something useful but no, no business card templates. I don’t have office for Mac, but I do for Windows, just haven’t bothered instaling it yet. I am googling but if anyone has any suggestions of what program I should use to creat basic business cards, it would be most appreciated.

Once I’ve made them of course, the next question will be how and where to print them…..

paradigmshiftyApril 26, 2007 - 8:24 am

I use a place called Printhouse Graphics, who are reasonably cheap and very good. Full design work is included in their price.

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