two anniversaries.

Today was a double celebration for me: it is exactly one year since taking my last AD, and two years since becoming single and starting on a whole new journey of discovery. It was a wonderful day.
We were sent home early from work, due to the gale force winds which were whipping around the school. Marutani Sensei (the young English teacher who sits next to me) gave me a lift home – the second time this week. Both yesterday and today he has been keen to get out of the staffroom, and dropping me off is the perfect excuse for escaping the confines of inside. Only, instead of dropping me at the nearby station which is what anyone else would do, he drives me all the way home. Yay!!!
This afternoon, the winds abated, for which I was very grateful – I was worried that if the winds continued, Shanta wouldn’t be able to join me to celebrate tonight.
I had a couple of lessons at MESA, then Shanta picked me up and we went forth on an ice-cream quest which found us at a rarely visited Haagan Daaz. I had a totally decadent cone with Praline Cream and Vanilla Caramel Brownie. Mmmmmm.
Shanta also gave me a bag with a gift teddy basket, bottle of non-alcoholic champas and boxes of macaroni cheese – food that would last given my lack of fridge right now.
Shanta made up one of the boxes of macaroni cheese, at which point we both realised we really weren’t very hungry after the ice-creams!
We were just setting up to play Phase 10 (a great card game) when Blair and Hikaru (Blair’s ex(?) g’friend…not really sure what is going on there) Blair brought me flowers!!! Wow! When I asked Blair and Shanta to help me celebrate tonight, I didn’t expect that they would come bearing gifts. Twas a lovely unexpected surprise, and did indeed make me feel quite celebratory. That plus the new tat which is settling in nicely and which I am loving now.
We played cards and ate timtam slammers (thanks to Luke for bringing back port from Australia) and had a very laid-back, relaxed evening.
Just Purrfect. I feel very well celebrated now *smiles contentedly*
Next I will curl up in bed and cuddle DJ Sye – my Ophelia substitute.
Life is good ๐Ÿ™‚

kitlingApril 28, 2004 - 12:44 am

hooray! and happy anniversaries

So I got my tattoo…

and I think I should’ve gone smaller. Shit. Not the time to be thinking this. I just want to be as bouncy happy about having it as I was about getting it.

rockinhorseyApril 24, 2004 - 10:08 pm

You got another tatt? Where and what if you dont mind me asking?

etsbaApril 24, 2004 - 10:39 pm

Big is good!!! It shows everyone how tough and cool you are. ๐Ÿ˜‰
I guess your pain tolerance has come along way from when you got your kitty tatt! (sorry for teasing)
Post pictures, I wanna see it.
Do you get those dreams shortly after you’ve got a tattoo that it comes off, scratches away? Every tatt but the last I’ve had that, for several nights of dreams. I’ll be looking down and just a little bit of the new tatt remains.

gypsyamberApril 25, 2004 - 5:15 am

Oh yeah, pain tolerance much better ๐Ÿ™‚ And go ahead and laugh – I do!!! A lie down required for a 15 min tat! I decided it must just be that it was the first one.
This one was just over an hour and I didn’t have to ask for a break (had one when artist had to see some other customers briefly) and only one cracker. Only one brief time when I felt faint!! Woohoo. And when it was over I asked him “Really?” Shanta teased me: no, he’s just kidding! But I really thought it was only about halfway done.
I was worried about the spine – I’ve heard it really hurts, and it did, in an intense pleasure pain way and it sent shivers down my spine. Purrrr…!!!!

etsbaApril 25, 2004 - 7:59 am

Did you feel it in different parts of your body?
I did with my lower back tatt, cause it’s such a nerve centre.
Felt shots down to my knees.

tombleApril 25, 2004 - 11:20 pm

Well, just go back and say `It’s great, but can you shrink it down a bit?’.

Seriously though, when do we get a pic?

gypsyamberApril 26, 2004 - 1:06 am

Soon as I get them off Shanta’s camera – she took photos of the whole process!
Am feeling better about it now…yesterday I was ready to make sacrifices to the tatto gods to let me go back a day and change a couple of things…but, thankfully, that feeling has gone..helped MUCHLY by Shanta, Blair and Ches all saying how awesome it was and hence making me realise I was perhaps being far too much of a perfectionist – not a bad thing when getting a tat, just bad afterwards *grin*

gypsyamberApril 26, 2004 - 3:39 am

A blue/torquoise bat on the back of my neck – very unmissable!!!

gypsyamberApril 26, 2004 - 3:40 am

Umm, not so much. When the needle was on my spine, it sent tingles all the way down, and could feel the vibration going through my ears, but that’s about it.
Oh, and no, I haven’t had those dreams yet, they sound very disturbing – I hope I don’t get them!

kowariApril 26, 2004 - 6:05 am

I am sure it is FINE!
Waiting for the piccis!!!

kitlingApril 27, 2004 - 6:41 am

Hooray for new tatts!


see my envy

gypsyamberApril 27, 2004 - 7:11 am

Wait til you see it!!!! Am quite bouncy about it now…it’s beautiful!!! blue fading into torquise. A full colour tat!!


Just wanted to share ๐Ÿ™‚
There’s no one particular reason why, I just am, which makes it all the more wonderful. I’m really enjoying the school I’m at right now, even the hellish year level which cause me such misery last time is much better now. It is warm and sunny. The whole world feels totaly alive, and so do I. It is such a welcome feeling.
I feel like each morning I wake with a sense of anticipation..there is so much happening for me this year – in 10 days time I will catch up with Tuck & Noriko, who I haven’t seen for 8 months, in July I will be seeing friends I haven’t seen in 3 years, in August I’ll be travelling with friends I haven’t seen in a year…I have an absolutely wonderful, wickedly fun friend in Shanta right here in Japan. Sometimes its hard for me not to dance around the staffroom, I have so much happiness in me right now.
Next Tuesday, April 27, I will have been off ADs for one whole year. One whole year without any relapses. Better still, I have been through a really down patch, I’ve been homesick, I’ve moved countries for heavens sake, and have not fallen into the depths of depression again. It is something that did concern me before leaving, probably more than I ever let on. Now that I’ve survived my first serious bout of homesickness and misery, and have bounced back, my heart feels even lighter and my spirit feels even stronger. I suspect this plays a large part in my feeling so fantastic right now. To celebrate this milestone, I will be getting a new tat this Saturday..yet another thing I’m looking forward to.
I still miss everyone back home, but I know you’ll all be there, or coming back sometime soon, when I get back. I love all my friends..for those that read lj, next time you see someone I know who doesn’t, please give them a hug for me. In the meantime, *hugs to the whole wide world* It’s a miraculous place to live in, and I’m so glad I am!!!!

kitlingApril 22, 2004 - 2:24 am

I wanted to go WOOHOOO! and dance around the park with you!

then you mentioned new tatt – and I have to know what????

hermia8April 22, 2004 - 3:38 am

YAYYYY!!!!! happiness so breeds happiness ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you!
and i’m with renee here, what are you getting tattooed and where????

whitmanschildApril 22, 2004 - 4:02 am

Hey, I was wondering if you’d like a little company when you’re getting inked. Are you going to Chopsticks, or have you found a different place? Just curious. I kinda wanted to hang out with you a bit more since Stu and I had to bail on you last weekend. I’m up in the mountains until late Friday afternoon, but I really don’t have any plans for my weekend yet. Let me know.

eecApril 22, 2004 - 4:33 am

Hey there! What’s the new tat and where’s it going? I’m so glad that you’re feeling so happy. I did worry about you, you know. I am so majorly excited about Thailand. It’ll be the best, I just know it. I am missing you as always and think about you more often that I care to admit. I love you heaps – see you soon!!!!

gypsyamberApril 22, 2004 - 6:31 am

A bat on the back of my neck, based on the bat pendant I wear a lot. In colour! Ranging from cobalty bluish to turquoise green. *bounce* 4 pm saturday with Kozuro at Chopstick Tattoo – Artist’s from there go to goth clubs and do tattooing, tis how I found out about them. I went in last Sunday and discussed the design with Kozuro and he’s gonna have it ready for Saturday.

gypsyamberApril 22, 2004 - 6:32 am

Just replyed to Renee’s qn ๐Ÿ™‚ Can see I’m gonna have to work out how to post photos in my journal now….

gypsyamberApril 22, 2004 - 6:41 am

I know, I know…can’t wait to see you either. We are so gonna have the BEST time!!! I have the Lonely Planet Thailand book _and_ the South-East Asia on a Shoestring book….avidly reading both of them. Keen to go on an elephant trek, and to one of the tiger preservations (gee, bet you couldn’t guess that!!) Also big on the idea of a few days beach-wise chilling with cocktails…I know it’s so typical Thailand touristy, but hey, it’ll be my birthday, I can be typical touristy for a couple of days!!!!
Loves you lots and can’t wait to see you. Am so excited you’re on lj again. Woohoo!!!

See reply to for tat details

*hugs n kisses*

kitlingApril 22, 2004 - 7:30 am

you absolutely must take me to see the tigers with you – I don’t care how – it just must be done ๐Ÿ™‚

hooray for inventable technology ๐Ÿ™‚

hooray also on the tatt – posting pics in lj is easy – but you do need to have the image on a website somewere – so sending me the image to put on the amber page for you might be easiest and I’ll teach you how to webify stuff one day ๐Ÿ™‚

gypsyamberApril 23, 2004 - 5:38 am

Hey there. Yup, i’m going to chopstick…same artist as Stu’s – found out his name is Kozuro.
Shanta’s coming with me for the adventure, but am free sunday arvo if you wanna catch up (and be amongst the first admirers!!! of my new ink!!!….’twould be good to see you in a less crowded environ – plus I can fill you in on the antics you missed after bailing on Friday!!!

etsbaApril 24, 2004 - 10:33 pm

A year without ADs?
I knew you’d be fine.
Hugs back to you.

gypsyamberApril 26, 2004 - 3:46 am

Thank-you! As well as the tat (which needed to be done on the weekend) on the actual day I am celebrating with Haagan Daaz ice cream and timtam slammers with the ever wonderful company of Shanta and Blair. Have a wicked desire to go and terrorise some shops too…be aware, when I say terrorise, this simply means going into a shop!!!! Especially with Shanta, and now sporting a vivid tat..bound to work!!!!


Anyone in the market for a 1994 Mitsubishi Magna station wagon? My mum has one she needs to sell…can’t get further details for next two weeks as she’s away, just thought I’d toss it out and see if there’s anyone out there thinking to themselves, yeah, an old station wagon is exactly what I need right now!!!!

etsbaApril 19, 2004 - 7:45 am

hhm, how much? The van is dying

gypsyamberApril 21, 2004 - 4:37 am

I’m not sure…Mum’s away for two weeks, but I’ve sent her an e-mail asking. Will let you know as soon as I hear from her ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus anythign else relevant!

Oh the excitement

Shanta and I ordered my laptop today!! It should be delivered to her mum’s place by Friday, then I guess a couple of weeks to get here. Soon, soon I shall be able to see all this in colour! Post photos on the web. Back-up my PDA onto something other than CF cards. Play games. Download music. Play the music kitling sent over with me. Play the games nigelw sent me. Download movies. Make my own cds.

Oh, there will be SO much fun to be had!!! Soon, I tell you, soooooonn!

kitlingApril 15, 2004 - 4:17 am


we meant to ring you with suprise phone call on the weekend but never seemed to organise it. Either no phone or wrong place or too late..

bleah – whats the time difference again

and hugs on new puter

gypsyamberApril 16, 2004 - 2:03 am

Time difference is a mere hour…woohooo!!! yay for living in neighbouring timezones!!! You’re an hour head of me.
But, even if you had’ve got it together at a suitable time, I may not have been home, and if I was I wouldn’t have been very coherent – see my worst nightmare post….would’ve much rather been at con!!!

can’t wait for computering goodness. so, so, so excited. Am thinking of adopting qamar’s idea of a photo-a-day. once I have a laptop, I can fool around with it at home and work out how to do it. Don’t hold your breath for it happening in the next couple of months though!!!

kitlingApril 16, 2004 - 2:07 am

yup – i saw your worst nightmare post

big hugs and stuff for you and hooray for being such a wonderful helpful caring amber 0X0X0X

i’ll just have to call at some point regardless – you realise i have never actually made an international phone call. what are you up to tonight? ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m trying to make japanese plane tickets happen so i can be your tech support toy with added hugs

i’m also planning a camping trip to wilsons prom soon – do you want more aussie photos for teaching?

M o r e   i n f o